Potala, o.p.s.

FREE TIBET!? – exhibition

Datum / čas
06/03/2013 - 01/04/2013
10:00 - 18:00


1913 – 2013: 100 years since the Treaty of Independence


The exhibition with accompanying programs will run from 6 March to 1 April 2013

Most of the photographs for the exhibition comes from the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) and their publication was kindly allowed by the Director Venerable Geshe Lhakdor.


Exhibition to the 100th anniversary of the Treaty Between Tibet and Mongolia on the mutual recognition of independence from China after the collapse of the Chinese empire offer closer look on historical, cultural and Political Development of Tibet not only in the last hundred years. The aim of the Potala civic association is to show important moments in history, causes and context that shaped the fate of Tibet, and introduce historical figures, some of whom these moments actively influenced and others were victims of manipulation or abuse. Tibetans express their disagreement and dissatisfaction with China’s harsh attitude and refuse of any discussion not only with protests and demonstrations, but also with the ultimate form of protest – self-immolation. Since 2009 more than 100 Tibetan Jan Palachs publicly sacrificed their lives in the flames and most of them died.

Právě v době, kdy sami rekapitulujeme svoje osobní postoje a hledáme přesnější vyjádření, co pro český národ znamenal Palachův čin, zda měl smysl a co přinesl, se na Tibetské náhorní plošině odehrává zápas o přežití tibetského národa a jeho kultury. Jaké je poselství a jaké jsou požadavky Tibeťanů? Chtějí autonomii či samostatnost? Proč je pro ně politická, sociální, kulturní, lidsko-právní a ekonomická situace v Tibetu neúnosná? A co si o tom myslí Čína? Výstava se pokouší hledat odpověď na zmíněné otázky prostřednictvím faktů a argumentů.

In the context of the development of political-administrative structure of Tibet and attempts to country modernization visitors learn about the historical circumstances which led Tibet to trammel of business and power interests of British colonial India, imperial China and Czarist Russia. Their so-called Great Game ended with military occupation of Tibet by China in the 50th 20th century.
More attention will be paid to Tibet and China relations in former times, and especially since the reign of the 13th and the taking over of the 14th Dalai Lama Dalai Lama over the arrival of the Maoist army, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, armed Tibetan resistance, escape of the 14th Dalai Lama into exile and his work in the West to the current situation in Tibet and in exile, and the crisis of Tibetan-Chinese dialogue.

Besides a rich documentary material, texts, contracts and documents and contemporary maps are the focus of the exhibition unique historical photographs from the archives of the Tibetan exile institutions, but also three-dimensional objects – such as collection of historical Tibetan coins and banknotes.

Exposition also depicts issues in which the general public and the media sometimes lose the context – the institution of the Dalai Lama, the relationship between religion and secular power in Tibet, the role of regents, ambans and reincarnations, the relationship between the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, the government in exile, and exile institutions. Part of the exhibition is devoted to the relationship of our countries and Tibet – from early contacts to visits of the 14th Dalai Lama in the Czech Republic.

Accompanying programs offer a series of lectures and discussions with guests, screenings of documentaries, musical and literary evenings, guided tours, for schools or groups can be ordered according to specific requirements.
